Define the general theme of my site

Customize the title, logo, fonts, shapes, and colors to ensure a consistent visual identity on your site.

mar. 30 juil. 2024, 16:05

In order to simplify the editing of your web pages and the customization of your appearance elements, certain graphical settings are common to all your pages. This is called the general theme of your website.

Follow these steps to define the general theme:

  1. Go to the Website > Theme tab.

  2. Define the general theme that will apply to the entire site by filling out the sections indicated below.

Provide the main title of my site

In this text box, enter the main title of your site. This title will be visible in the browser tab and in search engine results. It should be short and concise.

Disable right-click on my site’s pages

You have the option to disable right-click on your site, which prevents visitors from right-clicking on the pages of your site. This security measure effectively protects your content against theft by preventing users from copying or downloading your text, images, and other essential elements of your site without permission.

Add my logo & my icon

In the Logo & icon box, upload your brand’s graphic elements.

Follow these steps to add your logo and the site icon:

  1. Go to the Website > Theme tab.

  2. Locate Logo and Icon.

  3. Upload your logo and the site icon.

Add my logo

The logo will be visible in the navigation bar, in your payment funnel, and in automatically sent emails.

💡 We recommend using a logo without margins and in landscape format for better visibility.

Add my icon (favicon)

The icon is the square visual you see to the left of the main title of your site, in the browser tab. The image may appear pixelated in your dashboard as it is forced to 64px, but it will be optimal on Internet browsers.

💡 It is recommended to choose a simple visual. It can, for example, be an element of your logo or the first letter of your project’s name.

Add my color palette

The color palette plays a crucial role in creating and maintaining your brand's visual identity on your website. It allows you to find your color preferences when creating your pages.

Follow these steps to add your colors:

  1. Click the [+] button.

  2. Enter the color code in hexadecimal format (#HEX) or through the color wheel.

  3. Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

To remove a color, hover over it and click the small cross that appears.

Customize my fonts

Just like colors, defining fonts allows you to ensure the consistency of your brand universe on your site. You can thus find your preferences when creating your pages.

Follow these steps to add your fonts:

  1. Click on a font button to customize it.

  2. Select your font from those offered by Google Fonts (royalty-free) or upload your font file.

You can add up to 4 fonts, corresponding to the following types of text:

  • Title 1 (H1)

  • Title 2 (H2)

  • Button

  • Paragraph

💡 Your font preferences are applied by default to the text contents of your showcase pages, but you can customize them as you wish.

Customize shapes & colors

Customize the general theme of your site by selecting your preferences for shapes and accent colors.

  • Button shapes: choose the shape of your site’s buttons by opening the selection menu.

  • Accent color: preferably choose a bright color that contrasts with white for good visibility.