Publish my site

Discover how to update and publish your Vivlab pages, ensuring that all your content, images, and layouts updates are accessible to your visitors.

mar. 30 juil. 2024, 15:06

When you make changes to your site in the editor, these changes are automatically saved in your workspace. However, they are not immediately visible to visitors of your online site.

Publish or update a page

It is important to note that the auto-save function of the editor ensures that your changes are not lost in case of accidental window closure or technical issues.

However, this auto-save does not update your website. That’s why it’s essential to publish your site after making changes to make them visible to your visitors.

Follow these steps to publish or update a page:

  1. Go to the Website > List of Web Pages tab.

  2. Select the page you want to publish.

  3. Click on Update Page then on Publish Page.

This publish button plays an important role in the process of updating your page. By clicking on it, you are going live with all the changes you've made in the editor. This means that your new images, texts, layouts, and other elements will be visible to your visitors.

💡 You have access to a history of your changes to help you keep track of your site's evolution and thus be able to revert to a previous version if the current version does not please you.

Edit general page information

You have the ability to edit the general information of your pages such as its visibility, title, or SEO description.

Follow these steps to edit the general information of the page:

  1. Go to the Website > List of Web Pages tab.

  2. Enter the page whose information you want to edit in the List of Web Pages.

  3. In the Page Settings panel, accessible from the Update Page button, you have the option to edit the general information of the page.

You can edit the following information:

  • The Set as Homepage button allows you to make it the main page of your site.

  • The Make Page Visible button allows you to make it available for your visitors and on search engines.

  • The Password Protect button allows you to make the page accessible only after entering a password.

  • The Page Title, which is a crucial parameter for attracting visitors, improving SEO, and providing an optimal user experience. It also appears in the links pointing to this page.

  • The SEO Description of the page, which is a very important parameter in terms of SEO. A good SEO description will increase your page's visibility in search results.

  • The Sharing Image of the page is a specific image associated with the webpage that appears when a link to this page is shared on social media or via messaging apps. It is important that the image grabs attention to encourage clicks.

💡 If you don't know what content to fill in for the title, description, and sharing image, don't worry, the Vivlab editor generates them for you!